Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Most Delicioius of All Foods - Ribs

During July, I cooked ribs twice. The first time was at a lake house, where a group of us cooked a smorgasbord of great food. We cooked ribs and a pork butt. The ribs we coated in a rub and let marinate overnight. We then wrapped in heavy duty foil and added about a quarter cup each of margarita mix and OJ. We popped the package in the oven for a couple of hours at about 260. After two or three hours or so, we pulled it out, drained the juices, added some bbq sauce and then slapped it on the grill to get some nice delicious caramelization.

Along with the ribs we served chopped pork bbq (which will get its own post sometime) and grilled asparagus. For the asparagus, I just speared them all on a couple of skewers to make it easier to turn. I then marinated them in a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper.

A couple weeks later I made ribs a second time around. This time, I had no grill so had to do everything in the oven. The beginning stages were the same but instead of taking it to the grill, I used the broiler. I brushed bbq sauce on it and left it under the broiler for a few minutes. Once caramelized, I brushed more sauce on and put it back under the broiler. I did this a few times until the ribs had several layers of delicious sauce.

The first picture is the ribs with just the rub. The second is just out of the oven with the first coating of bbq sauce. The third picture is after the sauce has been cooked on several times. The last is the finished plate. I served the ribs with baked beans, a potato salad and steamed broccoli.

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